Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!

Archive for Success


Castles in the Air

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 If you have built Castles in the Air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. -Henry David Thoreau.

The one thing that distinguishes us from other living beings is our imagination and the wild dreams that we can conjure up are just  castles in the air with no basis or foundation in reality!

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The Second Step

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The first step towards change is awareness.  The second step is acceptance. – Nathaniel Branden

Everyone has heard it said that a journey of a 1000 steps commences with the first step. It is important and takes courage to take that first step and books have been written about the subject and motivational speakers galore have been inspiring people for generations to take that first step towards their own dreams and success.

We gird our loins, take a deep breath , hold our noses and sometimes fearfully, sometimes boldly, sometimes rashly and often with enormous trepidation and anxiety- we take the plunge and take that first step.

Yes, the first step is undoubtedly important. But what about the second step? Read More→

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The Riddle of Risk

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Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to leave the shore – Andre Gide

Risk has been defined as the chance of injury or loss, a hazard or danger.

Now if Risk-taking means a definite  chance for a loss, I respectfully disagree. The only possible loss is the loss of that which you don’t want- your current results.

I have always had a high tolerance for risk. And as I reflect on my life and the many risky decisions  I took which have brought me to this place in my life, surrounded by these people, makes me wonder if the decisions I took were in fact a good thing. A very good thing!

We hesitate to leave the safety of our well worn paths and our comfort zones. Yet in order to grow we need to leave the seeming safety of our known world in quest for new horizons in order to grow. But therein lies the conundrum and the Riddle of Risk. Is it good for us or not? Read More→

Categories : Success
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Letting Go: The Push to Success

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When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be – Lao Tzu

In the western culture, parent often encourage children to leave the nest and fly on their own. Sometimes we need to push ourselves and sometimes we need a push from someone else. Mother Eagle knows best!

There are some lessons to be learnt from this story that could make all the difference to whether we succeed or fail! Read More→

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The Fine Art of Making Lemonade

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When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade – Dale Carnegie

In Life we are surrounded by lemons – and these are not always the fresh, tangy, invigorating variety loaded with Vitamin C that are good for our health. They are sometimes the sour fruit of our labours or relationships that have gone sour.  

I don’t know when the good fruit became a metaphor to represent everything going wrong in our lives – such as  a recently purchased car that simply will not run , a business opportunity we have invested in that does not get off the ground.

In my opinion there are no lemons – and we can turn it into the most amazing experience of our lives if we seek the lesson contained therein and then  apply it for even better results,  making a sweeter lemonade that is refreshing to drink, from an unbearably sour experience. Read More→

Categories : Success
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