The Hidden Treasures of The Struggle
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The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.Self-Realization requires very great struggle. -Swami Sivananda
If anyone had told me as a child that Life would be “easy” when I was growing up, I would have filed it away in my fairy tales library.
The truth of the matter is , although I had a relatively carefree happy childhood, I was genetically disposed to striving hard for whatever I wanted, as it was not just handed to me by indulgent parents. My parents loved me and they also wanted me to grow into a strong, independent adult, not an entitled one.
So, although I was not given any pocket money for books , toys or movies (my father did not understand the concept) I used my creativity and resourcefulness to get what I wanted. I offered to do my friends homework, or explained to them what they were finding hard to understand in return for the chance to read their storybooks.
When I wanted to learn to ride a bike, I told them stories in exchange for 15 minutes on their bike. I don’t see myself as a deprived child however, because I was not wanting for any of the childhood experiences that other kids had! I just found many resourceful ways to get what I wanted. Read More→
The Leader is You!
By · CommentsI was looking for a song to sing
I searched for a Leader, But The Leader was me – John Legend, If You’re Out there!
We have a new leader today.Well the results are out and more than ever I pray that the victorious candidate becomes a Force for Good and not for evil. Keeping America in my prayers for what happens in America does not stay in America. It affects the world.
Yes, America’s People have chosen a new President of the United States of America. The job of the President is to serve and protect ALL the citizens of that great country. It’s a big job. Can you imagine the stress?
The hardest part for me to conceptualize is trying to please and represent everyone. In a nation with hundreds of millions of people with differing viewpoints and opinions, how is that even possible?
I’ll tell you the truth. It’s not.
But here’s an even better question: Why should we, as citizens, leave it up to someone else to make us happy? Why should we sit back and hope someone else will protect us and make our lives better?
There’s another leader I want to talk about today. And that leader is you.Regardless of who sits in the oval office, the simple fact remains: you are the most qualified person to create the change you seek.
And in the history of any country in the world, it’s never been easier to make your own change.
Gandhi did it, Mother Teresa did it… just starting where they were. Using their intellect, their heart and sound practicality in motion to drive change from where they stood.
No fan fare, no millions invested in expensive campaigns to convince others of their suitability, nothing. Just good old fashioned action and making a difference with dignity and compassion.
It’s time to make a change. It’s time to be your own leader.
And where there are true Leaders walking amongst us not wearing designer clothes, not being covered by the news, not in ivory towers and White Houses, but simply making a powerful difference and adding value, there is Hope!
I heard this song, If You’re Out there, by John Legend when I was out on a Leadership Mission to Guatemala in 2013 and it has echoed in the hallways of my heart ever since!
Stop Looking for a Leader, For the Leader is YOU!
Rise America!
God Bless America!
By · CommentsWe are a country where people of all backgrounds, all nations of origin, all languages, all religions, all races, can make a home. America was built by immigrants. Hillary Clinton
On the eve of the Final Day of the 2016 Election Campaign, I would like to extend my prayers and Good wishes to all my friends in the U.S. for a peaceful outcome.
In all honesty I am not sure if this is a case of “Let the best man or woman win” and sit back passively and watch how it all plays out for the next 4 years.
Neither candidate appears to be individually people of Outstanding moral character (if the media are to be believed) .
And clearly, there are the obvious Pro’s and Cons to each choice.
More than ever, America stands at a crossroads , caught in the middle of some really dirty Politics and at risk of being tainted by one of the most disgusting Elections in history. Neither candidate a gentleman or a Lady.
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Sunny Side Goes Up!
By · CommentsAttitudes are a secret Power working 24 hours a day, for good or bad . And it happens by choice, not chance. Why not choose a Sunny one? It always takes you higher!
In this day of personal makeovers, we’ve seen people lose weight, get a nose job, and switch careers. But none of those brings a happier relationship, a more successful career or business or a happier life.
We have no control over what happens to us, losing a job, a relationship or health, or money. The only thing we have control over is how we choose to respond to it.
And for many, an alteration of attitudes alone can bring transformative life experiences. Here are some tips. Read More→