Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!

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A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days. It is a scaffolding on which a worker can stand and labour with both hands at sections of time.  Annie Dillard.

As we start to approach the year’s end, we begin to reflect on whether we achieved the goals of the past year? How much progress did we make? How many new excuses have we made to defend the lack of progress.

A couple of years ago I attended a seminar by a young man who was wise beyond his years. As we grow older, time seems to fly by and we don’t seem to know where it went, and its another year gone, never to return, without us having realized our dreams.

But this young man had realized the importance of capturing the moment and of making it work for him. And achieve phenomenal success before he was 25 years old!

Few do. That is why so few are able to stand up for what they truly want and achieve it. We have heard it oft repeated that Time is the one commodity that everyone is given equally – whether rich or poor, educated or not, privileged or less favoured. How we spend it determines our future. Read More→

Categories : Productivity
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Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly. -Charles Fort

Lets face it- we think we have a choice in all that we say and do. However we are not as free as we think we are.

If you have ever found yourself doing something you did not want to do, against your own will and inclination, and did it anyway – you have just been successfully manipulated. Just like a puppet on a string.

Regardless of how  we feel or think about the subject of manipulation, the truth is that all of us manipulate others  in some form at some time or another – even if we give it a fancy name like outcome engineering.

Unfortunately we are also manipulated by others and when we recognize it, we are dismayed and don’t really know what to do about it.

The choice is in our hands and the trick is to recognize the different types of manipulators and to beat them at their own game.  Here are some clues to help you recognize the different types of manipulative styles and how to deal with them. Read More→

Categories : Relationships
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Archie Comics: Which Character Are You?

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In the right hands, comics are an excellent medium for revealing character with a few concise words and lines.   Michael Berry

Much is said against the educational properties of the colourful comic book that children and many adults like to read. Although I am a voracious book worm, I think it is time to speak in defence of that much  maligned, much loved medium of entertainment and instruction, and the ways in which it has inspired, educated and influenced my thinking, formed my character and moulded my life. Read More→

Categories : Natural Genius
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Failure: The Other Side of Success

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Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently – Henry Ford

Failure is as predictable as success. In fact it is a science. You can study successful people to learn what to do by emulating what they did. Or you can study Unsuccessful people, learn from their failures and don’t do what they did. Either way, the ultimate outcome is still Success!

A keen observer of people, I have often been fascinated by what failures do to fail so brilliantly ! Some bounce back at top speed, not liking where they find themselves. Others wallow in it endlessly becoming a burden to all who know them and to society at large. Read More→

Categories : Success
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The Myths of Leadership

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 A great leaders courage to fulfil his vision comes from passion, not position.- John Maxwell

Who do we think of when we think of great Leadership ? Is it someone rich and famous? Is it a historical hero or is it a charismatic leader of a religious order or a political heavyweight? Are they successful industrialists and Businessmen who have carved a space for themselves ?

Or is it the the stern yet compassionate teacher from school, the nerdy schoolmate who defends the hapless schoolkids from playground bullies? Is it a family member who silently serves and leads without expectation of reward for their labour? Leaders are everywhere, maybe its even you. Read More→

Categories : Leadership
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