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Archive for Team Dynamics


Coming Home to West Palm Beach!

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There is nothing half so pleasant as Coming home again!  Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Of all the decisions I have taken since I started my business, joining the John Maxwell Team has been undoubtedly the best one!

To be taught and mentored by John C.Maxwell himself and by a team of Mentors who give Excellence and Heart a new Meaning is a great honour and privilege.

These are people of Integrity and Passion, people whose values resonate with my own.

John often reminds us that we bear his name and that he is our friend. We affectionately joke about it, but make no mistake he is our friend. He is a man who walks his talk, a leader who humbly shares his heart and stories with unsurpassed humour and love.

 I am proud to belong to this team and to call them family! Feels just like coming home! Read More→

Categories : Team Dynamics
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Interdependence Day

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Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self sufficiency. Man is a social being. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The weekend of July 1st -4th has been a weekend of shared celebration  by people in  Canada and the U.S. on the occasion of Canada Day on July 1st and Independence day in the U.S. on July 4th.

While people on both sides of the border proudly stand up and salute what each country stands for, it is to be noted that the founding principles of both the countries are essentially the same. In fact it is true of every country that fought for independence – the right to be free from oppression of any kind. The right to grow freely and to one’s maximum potential regardless of race, colour, creed or any other distinguishing attributes. The right of an individual and therefore his country, to flourish, unfettered by any limitations or statutory bonds of allegiance.

But having achieved independence from all that binds us, what next?  Can we truly stand up and succeed by ourselves? Or is there a more powerful dynamic at play that multiplies our efforts and exponentially explodes our success into a myriad directions?

Is Interdependence the answer? Read More→

Categories : Team Dynamics
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The Weakest Link on Teams

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The weakest link in the chain is also the strongest. It can break the chain-  Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

It is a scientific fact that if you loop 3 links in a chain, with each link capable of carrying different loads , for example one may carry an 80 lb weight, another 60 lbs and a third 25 lbs, when put to a stress test, the chain would always break at the weakest link.

This has provided a good figurative metaphor to describe many situations in life where a seemingly insignificant and inconsequential overlooked detail can crumble the strongest establishment and  be the unseen cause of defeat for many team efforts – whether on the battlefield, in a family or on a corporate team.

The secret lies in not only being able to correctly identify the team member whose performance is impacting the success of the team, but also in managing  the individual with compassion. Here’s how… Read More→

Categories : Team Dynamics
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Trust : Foundation and Final Frontier

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Whether you’re on a sports team, in an office or a member of the family, if you can’t trust one another there’s going to be trouble – Joe Paterno, Head coach Football team

Trust in TeamTeamwork without mutual trust is like trying to grow a tree without soil or water. Simply put, it is quite impossible! The Quality of Trust is what nourishes, nurtures and sustains all team effort towards a common goal.

There are many teams that believe they are working together, but its like trying to race to the goal , shackled with chains and irons.  So this is the very first quality to work towards improving if we are to succeed as a team.
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Categories : Team Dynamics
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Team Interaction – Part 1

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Coming together is a Beginning. Keeping together is Progress. Working together is Success. – Henry Ford

Most successful companies emphasize the importance of  Team work, as they realize that their success as an organization hinges on effective Team Interaction.

In a productive environment teams realize that the results of their work together makes a strong contribution to the overall goals, vision, mission and values of their company. However few are cognizant of the fact that only 25% of the challenges they will experience as a team will be task oriented.  The majority of the challenges with functioning as a team lies in the team culture and the quality and process of interaction between team members. Read More→

Categories : Team Dynamics
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