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The Fine Art of Volunteering
Posted by: | CommentsDon’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers. The Titanic was built by Professionals. – Unknown
There is a time for volunteering or giving and a time for taking and striking a balance between the two, is a fine art form. Many give , and give generously- of their time, their unique value, their experience and their effort. Often this is given to family and friends, and the large hearted give also to the extended community of people who are less fortunate themselves. Volunteering flexes the emotional muscles of the heart and strengthens both the giver and the receiver.
When the gifts of volunteering are appreciated, both are blest. When respect and credit is given to the person who volunteers, be he ever so humble, it re-inforces that primordial instinct in mankind to give from their strengths in order to contribute to the world from their gifts. Read More→
A Celebration of Language
Posted by: | CommentsThere are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.
September 23rd was the European Day of Languages and it was celebrated in grand style for the first time in Toronto at the Goethe-Institut at University Avenue. Four of the major Language Schools combined to present an event that was marked by the warmth, hospitality and cultural flavours of the different countries of the world that they represented.
As I am passionate about learning foreign languages and speak three of the 5 languages represented, of course I wanted to participate in any way I could. Quelle joie !
The evening started by a Salsa dance presentation and the joie de vivre of the dancers set the tone for the event. There was a table bountiful with hors d’oeuvres and cookies and specialities representative of the different lands and fine wine flowed copiously matched ably with the finest chocolates. Read More→
Leadership Lessons from Kindergarten
Posted by: | CommentsFrom winds and seas, and hills and trees, and little ones – Learn ye the ways of wisdom. – St. Mira
Many years ago, I came across a gem of a little book by Robert Fulghum called : All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten. Mostly his musings were about life in general, but he made some very important points.
We all know kids – either our own or someone else’s. Even if we don’t, most of us still remember that we were kids at one time and some of us even like to remember our childhood, often crossing the sands of time to re-live a particular moment, a special feeling.
Whatever our circumstances, if we consider it carefully, we realize that we were at our wisest in our extreme youth- pure of mind, full of love and playfulness, living in the moment and untarnished by life’s experiences.
In that state of innocence we were wise beyond measure – in all our thoughts, actions and intentions. And all it takes is a few stretches of the imagination to re-tap into the magic of childhood in order to regain a sense of perspective about the world around us. Read More→
Trust in Business Relationships -part 1
Posted by: | CommentsWithout Trust there is nothing.
It is a basic fact of every relationship and that does not exclude business relationships.
Without Trust every profitable business deal will turn sour at some time, every promising business partnership will inevitably disintegrate and every satisfied client will eventually find another product or service to replace yours.
If you have ever wondered why a promising relationship, whether business or personal, seems to have inexplicably crumbled before your eyes it is because the Trust element has been missing.
Sometimes it is a perceived lack of trust, but often times there are clues left, that although unspoken will indicate that there is a marked absence of trust on one or both sides of the relationship. Ignoring it will not make the issue vanish. Read More→