Archive for Success
Emotional Baggage: What Size are your Burrs?
Posted by: | CommentsThe emotional virus lives and thrives in the gap between expectations and perceived reality – Doc Childre and Bruce Cryer, From Chaos to Coherence.
None of us are unscarred by our life experiences -Some of us wear them lightly, learn from our experiences and move on.
For others, the damage runs deep, the scars still bleed when scratched, and we drag our emotional baggage with us, made heavier by our own consistent belief in them.
Still others flaunt their scars as though they had been bravely won in war and never let others forget about them!
During a trip out to Collingwood on a business trip during a week in late summer, we took our little dog Ginger for a run on the green grassy slopes of the ski hills. We live in the city where there are restrictions to having your dogs run freely in urban parks. So Ginger looks forward to being off the leash and to enjoy complete freedom to chase wild rabbits in the surrounding fields. Read More→
Self-Esteem: The Propeller to Success
Posted by: | CommentsNo Person has ever outperformed their own Self-Image
We have all seen or known of people of great promise or talent disappear into obscurity and eventually fade away from the minds of other people. We know that it is not because of lack of ability, opportunity, education or support.
People stop succeeding when they give up on themselves. It is the first barrier and the final frontier to overcome before you set out on your journey to success.
We constantly compare ourselves to others who appear to be more powerful, more successful, more good-looking, wealthier and overall just plain luckier than us and immediately ascribe it to our lack of not having those same things that prevents a similar success for us.
Our mental self sabotage defeats us before the battle is even begun! And it all boils down to a simple lack of self-belief and self-esteem. The most underrated ingredient for success! Read More→
Quality of Life: Wake up and Enjoy the Coffee
Posted by: | CommentsOne day your Life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching! – Author Unknown
Take Action Now!
Posted by: | CommentsIntention without Action is useless. – Carolyn Myss.
I happened to be listening to a talk by John Assaraf the other day and he shared his wisdom on why it is essential for the brain to break old patterns of thought and other mental addictions that keep us mired in our comfort zone and make it almost impossible for us to succeed by deliberate design . The secret he said does not lie in the well known principles of the Law of Attraction stated below.
1. Getting absolute clarity on your Intention
2. Cultivating the right beliefs and habits – clearing mental and emotional baggage
3. Letting go of the mechanism or the outcome
According to him, there is an important element to getting the Law of Attraction to work well. It is the often overlooked Law of GOYA or Getting Off Your A*** and into action.
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The Extra Mile
Posted by: | CommentsThere are no traffic jams in the extra mile – Author Unknown
Your success in any venture you may undertake depends not on a mediocre “just meets commitments” type of action. It is common knowledge that the person who goes above and beyond – regardless of personal glory, reward or remuneration of any kind, is the one who is also most likely to succeed.
Ordinary people, and if you are reading this, I sincerely hope that you are not one of that number, will only give out enough effort to do a job- no more and no less. They usually get left behind in the race mired as they are in the peer pressure that will keep them safe in mediocre company. I suggest that it is an indication of low self worth – where they believe so little in themselves that they are afraid of giving of their best, in case it may not be good enough.
The crazy ones are so charged with their own sense of worth and the value of their contribution and the difference it may make to their friends, their family, their workplace, their community or to the world at large, that they willingly go the extra mile, no matter what the outcome may be.
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