Archive for Success
This Business of Hearts
Posted by: | CommentsThe wise men of yore had it right.
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all – Aristotle.
Let’s face it. In todays corporations we like to consider ourselves “business like” and “professional” and prefer to ignore that we are working with human beings and that everyone has feelings and a very human heart- sometimes sensitive and sometimes strong.
So on the occasion of the universally celebrated Valentine’s day, let’s look at the proverbial elephant in the Corporate Boardroom that everyone is trying to ignore. This matter of Heart.
Infact, while we are at it, lets look at the entire herd of stomping elephants because there are many hearts in there, each pounding to the beat of a different drummer.
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Dreams with Deadlines
Posted by: | CommentsGoals are dreams with deadlines – Diana Scharf Hunt
You may have heard that to get anywhere in life it is important to set goals, because without goals we could easily lose our way.
Be sure to take the most direct route to your dreams. Never take your eyes off your goal, or you will lose course. Never look back in sorrow, or you will trip – Joe Brown
I have heard it said that there are those who travel and those who are going somewhere. They are quite different and yet are somewhat the same in the actions they take. Some wander and some move purposefully towards a destination.
Yet the one who is successful has an edge over the other travellers- he simply knows where he is going.
People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.
Earl Nightingale
Dare to Fail!
Posted by: | CommentsThe Road to Success comes with many guideposts – the most powerful of these are the intensity and frequency of failures. The Bigger the Failure, the greater will be your achievement. The more frequently they occur, the quicker you will get there, treading lightly on these stepping stones to Success. It is Law and it must be obeyed.
There are many Schools for Success, but someone really needs to start a School on Training for Failure , because therein lies the secret to Life, The Universe and Everything! It is the most overlooked key to Success, among the multitude of Tips and advice that Success gurus are touting the world over.
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Navigating a Path to Success
Posted by: | CommentsWelcome to the New Year ! And with every New Year I am reminded of one of my favourite quotes by William Ernest Henley (1849-1902) in his poem Invictus :
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the Master of my fate,
I am the Captain of my Soul!
Well, a fine captain of your soul you would be if you let your ship drift with every passing wind and sink under every storm that you encounter in a hope to get to shore. Would you not rather chart a course that will take you in the direction you want to go to your destination?
Success starts here!
Posted by: | CommentsListen to your heart – it is the surest indicator of what is working or not in your life and relationships.
The old adage of “when in doubt, don’t” is simply another tried and tested way of putting it.
Because your heart never doubts what is right for you.