Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!

Without Trust there is nothing.

It is a basic fact of every relationship and that does not exclude business relationships. 

Without Trust every profitable business  deal will turn sour at some time, every promising business partnership will inevitably disintegrate and every satisfied client will eventually find another product or service to replace yours.

If you have ever wondered why a promising relationship, whether business or personal,  seems to have inexplicably crumbled before your eyes it is because the Trust element has been missing.

Sometimes it is a perceived lack of trust, but often times there are clues left, that although unspoken will indicate that there is a marked absence of trust on one or both sides of the relationship.  Ignoring it will not make the issue vanish. Read More→

Categories : Business
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The emotional virus lives and thrives in the gap between expectations and perceived reality – Doc Childre and Bruce Cryer, From Chaos to Coherence.

None of us are unscarred by our life experiences -Some of us wear them lightly, learn from our experiences and move on.

For others, the damage runs deep, the scars still bleed when scratched, and we drag our emotional baggage with us, made heavier by our own consistent belief in them.

Still others flaunt their scars as though they had been bravely won in war and never let others forget about them!

During a trip out to Collingwood on a business trip during a week in late summer, we took our little dog Ginger for a run on the green grassy slopes of the ski hills.  We live in the city where there are restrictions to having your dogs run freely in urban parks. So  Ginger looks forward to being off the leash and to enjoy complete freedom to chase wild rabbits in the surrounding fields. Read More→

Categories : Success
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No Person has ever outperformed their own Self-Image

We have all seen or known of people of great promise or talent disappear into obscurity and eventually fade away from the minds of other people. We know that it is not because of  lack of ability, opportunity, education or support.

People stop succeeding when they give up on themselves. It is the first barrier and the  final frontier to overcome before you set out on your journey to success.

We constantly compare ourselves to others who appear to be more powerful, more successful,  more good-looking,  wealthier and overall just plain luckier than us and immediately ascribe it to our lack of not having those same things that prevents a similar success for us.

Our mental self sabotage defeats us before the battle is even begun! And it all boils down to a simple lack of self-belief and self-esteem. The most underrated ingredient for success!  Read More→

Categories : Success
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August 14th,2010  dawned clear and bright, and the sun shone gently on St. Bonaventure’s church and a community with heart who had gathered together to pay homage to a woman of great love and an exceptional life who became a symbol of unity to hearts moved by love.

Linda was a professional and beloved wife and mother of three children.  Like many adults who think they are invincible, she was suddenly and mysteriously taken over by schizophrenia and heard voices that no one else could.  Only she recognized and understood those voices – some were the whispers of loved ones, others were persistent murmuring voices that began to drive her away from her home and onto the streets of Don Mills.

Linda made her new home on a bench in our community. Lots of  kind members of the community remember her with kindness and love – the children who ran to share their lunch with her, the generous parents who gave her money to help support her. We cared deeply about Linda as did her grateful family.

There were others though, who viewed her with less than loving feelings. They deemed her a nuisance, did not like her presence in “their” park and vociferously pleaded with the city to take her bench away. Linda was forced to move on to other benches and less sympathetic neighbourhoods and eventually died alone and friendless on the streets of North York, outside a gas station where nobody cast a sideways glance at her pitiful plight. Read More→

Categories : Personal Stories
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One day your Life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching! – Author Unknown

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Categories : Success
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