Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!


Leading with Humility

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 Two of my all time heroes are Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln – Both extremely intelligent , well educated gentlemen that led nations without losing the humble touch and they retained their authenticity and simplicity despite the power they wielded.

And here are some of the powerful things they said that have greatly encouraged me  in my pursuit for meaning  in a world gone completely irrational.

Whatever you do will be insignificant. But it is very important that you do it. – Gandhi

Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. – Abraham Lincoln.

Both did not have the  attributes of physical beauty or strength – but what they had in abundance was a gentle wisdom and a fantastic sense of humour – and most of all that ever present humility. They wore their Power lightly without the usual trappings of arrogance and boastfulness as many modern leaders tend to adopt.

They were not about image and public relations and designer clothes. Lincoln who was known for his very plain, gaunt looks famously said: God must love the common man, he made so many of them.

Gandhi spun a loin cloth for himself out of Indian grown cotton in defiance against the Manufactured Cotton fabric that the British Rule imposed upon pre-Independence India .

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What one has, one ought to use: and whatever he does he should do with all his might. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

We have all heard of the Ultimate definition of Commitment so picturesquely described below :  The difference between “involvement” and “commitment” is like a ham and eggs breakfast.  The chicken was “involved” but the Pig was “committed”.

Most successful people can share stories of grueling hardships, obstacles and challenges that have been overcome only by determined, disciplined and persistent application of all of their resources to the attainment of the goal .

Clearly commitment is one of the keys to Success – being lucky does not count because only very few people have achieved success by a random but fortunate turn of events.
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And He departed from our sight that we might return to our Heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and Behold He is here! – St. Augustine

It is that Happy time of year again – the Earth casts off its wintry blanket and the tender buds of  Spring start peeping shyly out again! It is Springtime again with the promise of warmer days and life renews in all of its forms all over the Earth.

The Message of Easter is one of pure unadulterated  joy and eternal hope – and it all started with Jesus – the Rockstar of all Ages!  Easter is about the power of life over death. It is the triumph of Good over Evil and  of a Conquering Powerful Hope over cowering Fear. 

 It is estimated that of the 60,000 or so thoughts we have per day, approx 95% are  the same  repeated thoughts that  preoccupy our minds  and for a large majority, those thoughts are often bereft of hope.  There are those who scoff at the notion of belief in the Existence of a Higher Power, but denying it does not make it vanish .

For Hope is the ultimate propeller for all our dreams  and Belief  combined with Inspired Action can make them come true.
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Who has not felt the cold clammy hand of fear grip one’s spirit and paralyze our actions mid step? Sometimes this happens right at the moment when we are on the very verge of accomplishing our greatest success! Foiled by the Enemy again!

Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us are enslaved by some kind of fear or the other. Like many of you, I have encountered fear in many different forms.

The fear of  being stuck in a permanent cage –  unable to fulfil my true potential, the fear of not living up to the expectations of the people who matter most to me, the fear of loss of my loved ones, the constant fear of being insignificant or of the things I give my life to not mattering to the world.

In my childhood I used to be petrified of  water and of drowning .

I avoided water sports and when I eventually decided to overcome it, I learnt to swim in 45 minutes flat ! I guess the speed of  learning was directly attributable to the intensity of my fear and the strength of my survival instinct!

And in  facing that fear, I am finally able to enjoy the joys of being in the water with the rest of my friends.
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Reputation is character minus what you have been caught doing – Michael Iopace

Who will tame the Tiger? The Tiger Woods debacle occurring funnily enough at the start of the Year of the Tiger seems almost like a contradiction in terms.  This has hardly been his year so far!

  Reputation is a notoriously fickle beast. 

 It took talent, skill and many hours of relentless practice to establish him as the much admired Wunderkind of Golf.

It only took a few poor choices and the viral power of Internet broadcasting to blast his squeaky clean reputation and marriage to smithereens in a matter of seconds.  

 This makes personal and corporate reputation management a hot topic these days.

A point to note is that it was his performance on the golf course that put him on the pedestal, but it was his personal actions off the field that toppled him over. What has one to do with the other you may ask?  Everything!

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