Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!


Navigating a Path to Success

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Welcome to the New Year !  shipAnd with every New Year I am reminded of one of my favourite quotes by William Ernest Henley (1849-1902)  in his poem Invictus :

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the Master of my fate,
I am the Captain of my Soul!

Well, a fine captain of your soul you would be if you let your ship drift with every passing wind and sink under every storm that you encounter in a hope to get to shore. Would you not rather chart a course that will take you in the direction you want to go to your destination? 

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Categories : Success
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Seasons Greetings to all!

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And in the spirit of the Christmas Holiday season, a few words of blessing and joy to close a wonderful year that has gone by while we await a new dawn and all the promise it holds  for the coming year!

Rounded edge christmas pictureI read these words in an e-mail that had been sent to me by which included a link to a simple inspirational movie called May you be blessed!

I share the words below as they say so well what I wish for you for this coming year!

May you be blessed with all things good
May your joys , like the stars at night, be too numerous to count
May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of all the oceans in all the world
May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger
And may beauty,order and abundance be your constant companions Read More→

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The Advent of Christmas

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I have heard it said in many different cultures that the greater joy  of any event is in its anticipation and not in the event itself. A parent eagerly awaits the birth of  a child or the return of a child from its wanderings – coming home is an occasion to be treasured on both sides of the equation. In much the same way, with bated breath, we await the advent of the Christmas season.

poinsettiaDespite the controversial Christmas Wars – is it Happy Holidays to celebrate the traditional pagan feast of the winter solstice or is Jesus the reason for the Christmas season as acknowledged by those of Christian Faith? Is it a commemoration of the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians in 165 B.C. and the re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem? Is it mine or is it yours? Does it even matter?

Well , the bottomline message of Christmas is Hope and Love and Light for all those who live in darkness.

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A Class Apart

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a class apart [320x200]I met Clark Coulson of Just Solutions  on a lovely autumn day in Arizona. And he had an extraordinary story to tell about his experience with a group of students who had been condemned to certain mediocrity by our existing school system.  After all, they had failed to follow the rigid dictates of the educational system and had failed math, not once but three times!

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Categories : Natural Genius
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 There can be no success, but first a team! 

We have heard it said that behind every successful man, is someone – a wife, a mother-in-law or an inspirational figure that gently nudges him to success. Well, actually it takes a team! Even the lucky ones, the overnight successes – movie stars; a new invention, not only took years of behind the scenes preparation, but also largely unacknowledged teams of people who contributed in many ways to that success!

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Categories : Team Dynamics
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