Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!

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It is easy to dodge our responsibilities. But we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities. – Josiah Charles Stamp

Last Saturday I happened to be waiting in line to be served at a store and I could not help but overhear a conversation between two young adults who were sharing miserable experiences at their workplace – both with their colleagues and their supervisors.

 It appeared that one of them had been promoted against his will and felt he had received no preparation for the new role which was received with hostility by his sub-ordinates and by intense, and what seemed to be unfair, criticism from his boss.

It started a train of thought in my mind and I put down some of those here, based on my experience with teams and leadership, in the hope that anyone looking for guidance in this area may find it. Just like those two young lost leaders in the shopping mall. Read More→

Categories : Leadership
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Knowing others is Intelligence, Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true Power! – Lao-Tzu

This is what I truly believe. We all have the ability to be successful. The problem is we waste a lot of time and effort copying others in a vain attempt to emulate their success.

What made them successful is that they focused on ideas that revolved around their own natural skills and talents. In short, knowing yourself is the First Step to your success.

We are born programmed  with our own individual code for success, and then we enter a cookie cut world where we are expected to be like our siblings, our playmates, our peers – striving for uniformity, we lose that glorious individuality that makes us so interesting. Are you a person worth knowing? Read More→

Categories : Natural Genius
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Spectacular Achievement is always preceded by unspectacular achievement. – Robert H. Schuler

Discipline or Focus on ResultsHave you ever found yourself expending a lot of time and effort on something and find yourself getting nowhere? Do you find yourself giving up on something you deeply want to accomplish, just because  you gave up halfway though the process when you hit a few early obstacles?

There is some truth in the oft repeated message to us, there is nothing you cannot achieve if you want it badly enough and if you stick to the achievement of the baby steps with complete discipline and Focus. Great oaks are felled with little strokes! Read More→

Categories : Productivity
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For Last Years words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice – Little Gidding II

Another Year has come and gone. Did it bring us what we had hoped for at the start of the Year? Or was it just another Groundhog Year like every other year before that and where the only changes have been circumstantial.

Just like the movie ” Groundhog Day” where the main protagonist seems to be stuck in a  time warp of sorts and keeps on waking up to the same day with the same events playing over and over endlessly with no way out. Until something changes.

That change comes from wisdom and the ability to respond to the same events differently, instead of moving endlessly on the same wheel like one of Pavlov’s experimental rats, without getting anywhere.

It is time to make a change and try something different, something new- and that time is now!  Here’s how… Read More→

Categories : Success
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I think dogs are the most amazing creatures. They give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.  Gilda Radner 

Nothing quite prepared us for our first Christmas with Ginger. Those of you who have been following our blog know that Ginger, our little cocker spaniel entered our lives rather dramatically last Spring. Like the proverbial guest who came to dinner, she stayed  and became part of our family and captured our hearts in very short order.

The transition from perplexed pup, quite bewildered at having been suddenly beamed into the home of relative strangers to beloved and inseparable  member of the family, happened relatively quickly .

But the subtle lessons in life  she taught us , came to us like the gift of the Magi at Christmas time.

I call this the Eat, Pray, Love formula of Gingers existence. Read More→

Categories : Personal Stories
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