Self Intelligence Workshop : The Secret to your Success is in YOU !!!

Understanding your Personal Success DNA to achieve any goal effortlessly!


Team Interaction – Part 1

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Coming together is a Beginning. Keeping together is Progress. Working together is Success. – Henry Ford

Most successful companies emphasize the importance of  Team work, as they realize that their success as an organization hinges on effective Team Interaction.

In a productive environment teams realize that the results of their work together makes a strong contribution to the overall goals, vision, mission and values of their company. However few are cognizant of the fact that only 25% of the challenges they will experience as a team will be task oriented.  The majority of the challenges with functioning as a team lies in the team culture and the quality and process of interaction between team members. Read More→

Categories : Team Dynamics
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Life is the childhood of our Immortality – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

On the spur of the moment and intrigued by the event, we decided to pack our bags and go to Collingwood’s Blue Mountain Village for the  commemoration of Elvis Presleys 75th birthday.  Known as the largest festival celebrating his life, the event is dedicated to honouring his memory through his music in street pageants, worship events, look alike and sound alike  competitions and many other events.

The main street was teeming with candy coloured cadillacs and Elvis clones representing various stages of his life – buck-toothed Elvises jostled with handsome gelled armyman Elvises. Pudgy Elvises waddled through the crowds of people handing out flyers inviting people to pancake breakfasts and collided with tall goodlooking rhinestone studded blue eyed Elvises who goodnaturedly posed for pictures with the visitors who included blond wigged elderly ladies representing the Elvis fans from the sixties. Read More→

Categories : General
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If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more , you are a leader. -John Quincy Adams

Anyone who leads people or aspires to be a leader, knows that getting people to do what needs to be done requires a finetuned ability to motivate and inspire them. Gone are the days when people did things because their livelihood depended on it, and put up with the bossy attitude of supervisors who did not lead with wisdom and kindness but as a whipcracking master of slaves. The world has grown up and refuses to be treated that way.

A true aspect of Leadership lies in the inherent ability to motivate people to excel and give of their best. There are many motivational speakers and as many different methods to ignite a fire inside the hearts of others that has them raging to get into motion and to accomplish impossible dreams. Each speaker purports to know the hidden secret and is willing to impart it for a certain financial consideration. Read More→

Categories : Leadership
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A Time to Relax

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To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring – it was peace.  ~Milan Kundera 

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Take Action Now!

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Intention without Action is useless. – Carolyn Myss.

I happened to be listening to a talk by John Assaraf the other day and he shared his wisdom on why it is essential  for the brain to break old patterns of thought and other mental addictions that keep us mired in our comfort zone and make it almost impossible for us to succeed by deliberate design . The secret he said does not lie in the well known principles of the Law of Attraction stated below.

1. Getting absolute clarity on your Intention
2. Cultivating the right beliefs and habits – clearing mental and emotional baggage
3. Letting go of the mechanism or the outcome

According to him, there is an important element to getting the Law of Attraction to work well. It is the often overlooked Law of GOYA or Getting Off Your A*** and into action.
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Categories : Success
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